Friday, July 24, 2009


We're going to Quebec City!!
Leaving on Sunday afternoon.
We, consists of Mom & Dad
sister Debs
hubby and two sons Joey & Ryan.
We are stopping in Cornwall and then on to our chalet in Monte St Anne area. That's 1/2 hr. east of Quebec City. I'll post my own pictures when I'm back. For now to give you a taste of what it's like I found some online.
I probably won't be blogging during that time.
See ya later.

Lovely allys and flowers.

Old buildings.

Outdoor cafes.
Hope it's not too rainy.
Oh well, I''m on holidays.
We'll have fun in the rain then.

Nice cobblestone streets.
I'll be checking out store windows too.

Pretty streets.

1 comment:

Shan Van said...

Oh i'm jealous...should be fun! I can't wait for our holidays in Huntville!